Farewell to the tried and true …. pt 2

After the acquisition of the new 1090 I felt it was due to get the DRZ out for one final ride before sending off to a fresh new owner …. and timing would have it that an email was received from John E and his might 690 putting together a loop also with Mike S on his 500.

A meet up time was decided for us to connect on the east side of Boise for a run up Hwy 21, along the Ponderosa Scenic Byway through the historic Idaho city to Lowman.

Hwy 21 runs North East out of Boise following the Moores Creek drainage, over Moores Summit, and Beaver Summit before dropping into Lowman. This particular stretch rates high in my book due to the “high curve count” per mile. Super fun and rated a G2 and G3 on the Butler Motorcycle Map.

A twisty two lane path of pavement wraps around the geographic curves of the Boise Mountains and in some sections through the impact of the 2016 Pioneer Fire. The Pioneer Fire today still resides under speculation of arm chair criticism that early decisions allowing the fire to burn as being beneficial to the landscape until it ultimately burned out of control and over 200,000 acres. Still scenic non the less.

Cresting Beaver Creek Summit we then drop into Lowman. Out of Lowman we follow Bear Valley Road (582) north over Clear Creek Summit. This section being part of the IBDR. We will follow the IBDR to Landmark where we will peel off and head into Cascade Idaho for fuel.

Bear Valley Road is well maintained with a semi loose gravel surface. The road flows nicely along Clear Creek before veering off and climbing over Clear Creek Summit. Once dropping into Bear Valley the views open up with the road now skirting along the meadows edge. We only pass through the first portion of the meadow before we turn off and head north on 563 towards the Landmark/Stanley Rd and ultimately Warm Lake and Cascade.

-Prior 2014 trip into Bear Valley

Left onto 563, and to be continued ….

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