Mayfield-Danskin Peak-Anderson Ranch #4

I make the climb up the Danskin Peak Rd and over the first pass … the sight lines are incredible at this point … the clear air and the green rolling hillsides cause me to take a momentary pause.

Sea of Green ….


The road is fast, but requires full attention to navigate the random tire ruts left behind by exploring motorist during the Spring thaw …


The road meanders for a few miles before a trail head appears … here the road takes a hard 90 deg right turn towards the East and starts the final climb up to the peak.

The Danskins have been closed to all motorized access due to the fires from 2yrs ago. Reports were that the area would be opening this season as resource repairs are completed. Area closed signage was still posted at all trail heads, but quite a few people were out and about.

Danskin info


The road follows a creek for a mile or two before sharply starting it’s final accent…. this area is familiar, but it has been about 15 yrs since I tracked any dirt up this way …. I’m excited to see how changed … or unchanged it really is. During my rides I depend on my OBR ADV Gear Fender Bag to securely hold my spare tube. The retention system is unique in that it uses a secondary snap system that prevents the bag from shifting whether riding over road ruts, rough trail, or desert whoops.


Sans bike …


As I continue my climb the South Fork Canyon comes into view below …. this is a canyon that one needs to see in person … pictures hardly show the impressiveness of this crack in the earth! The attached images pan from Left to Right, Prairie Id and the Trinity Mountains in the background. Cathedral Rocks in image 2 …..

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….. to be continued

Mayfield-Danskin Peak-Anderson Ranch #3

After a quick visit stop at Inscription Rock I continue my journey south to the Danskin Peak Rd. Cloud formations are starting to rise in the south and I want to make my destination of Danskin Peak early just in case any storms decide to blow in ….

View down from Inscription Rock …


Clouds forming to the south …. I’ll be keeping an eye on these!


There are still a few miles of riding to get to Danskin Peak Rd …. more twists and turns with random off shoots directed at I-84 and North Mountain Home …


My OBR ADV Gear 38l Adventure Bag also works great for day trips …. compression straps allow me to secure the contents when the bags are being used under their rated 38l capacity.


More interesting rock formations start to present themselves along the road …




I arrive at Danskin Peak Rd as soon as I stop taking pictures of random rocks 🙂

The road immediately starts to climb with the valley dropping quickly behind my shoulder ….


Danskin Peak in the distance ….


…. to be continued

Mayfield-Danskin Peak-Anderson Ranch #2

After quickly exploring the remaining structures of Mayfield … I continue on my way down Mayfield Road.


The road twists and turns staying true to it’s path along the Danskin Foothills.


When selecting this route … it actually was not obvious to me the significant history that this road holds. Points of interest along the way help to paint a picture of what it was like for early settlers to make this journey across this high desert.

One such site is that of Inscription Rock along Bowns Creek, a school bus sized rock that was a lay over location for weary travelers. To leave messages for travelers from behind, messages would be left on the rock face out of axle grease…. Some plenty visible still today.

Inscription Rock




Messages from the past ….

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….. to be continued (luggage by OBR ADV Gear)

Mayfield-Danskin Peak-Anderson Ranch #1

Spring this year has been rapidly passing me by with little to show for it in terms of riding. Excuses being a dime a dozen I figured it was high time to get the wheels rolling and the tires dirty.

Memorial Day is staring me down with a threat of “clear” weather most of the weekend… Most all of Idaho has been afflicted with fairly threatening thunderstorms the past few weeks … and one thing I don’t play chicken with is lightening!

Even with our reported dismal snow pack this season, most high passes are still fairly snowed in with roads being closed…. so the question is asked … where do I feel like pointing the bike today? … Danskin Peak Lookout sits along the southern edge of the …. yep … the Danskin’s …. and is a destination that I have not visited for years.

I decide to trailer the bike to a staging point along Blacks Creek Road … this will cut out some tedious commuting across the valley and extend my fuel range. From the staging point I back track to Mayfield Road and start heading south.


The pavement only lasts maybe a mile once on Mayfield Road …. hello dirt! The landscape at this point is heavy sagebrush and cool rock formations.


My OBR ADV Gear Switchback Tank Bag keeps my camera close …. and rain gear stored away in my

38l ADV Saddlebags.


The first part of todays route is a back country byway that follows the Oregon Trail …..

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After a few miles some old buildings come into view. One appears to be an old hall with a stage visible through the window. Across the road are a couple of homesteads. I’m sure life was much simpler back in those days …. and complicated ….

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…. to be continued